2024 12 21 Stunocoin By Stunobank

Stunobank world’s first and most popular crypto currency trading site is now providing its owners to buy vouchers from over 399 different brands by using stunocoins.

A registered user of Stunobank can use stunocoin worth as little as $10 and as much as $10 000 000 to avail of these vouchers.

VIP verified users of Stunobank who have stunocoins in their wallets are eligible to participate in this offering. They need to log in to their account and go to the STC page. There, among the multiple options available, the user needs to click on Shop. If a user is functioning from the Stunobank app, then the Shop button can be found on the dashboard and in the More section. Here the user can shop from 399+ brands like Ferrari, McDonalds, Boeing, Chanel, Tesla, etc After selecting the desired brand, a dropdown menu will come from multiple dollar denominations to buy vouchers. Once the user selects the amount the corresponding value of stunocoin will also be showcased to him and after paying the amount the voucher code is received by the user.

While the first and foremost reason a cryptocurrency like stunocoin got created is to allow users to do fast and free payments across the internet. This features by Stunobank forms an indirect way to pay using stunocoins on a popular e-commerce portal in the world. Stunobank is providing its users with a diversified option of brands across sectors like travel, restaurants, lifestyle companies, clothes, accessories, hotels, and much more to use their stunocoins as an alternative cash commodity. These vouchers can even make a fantastic gift to a loved one. All they have to do is to have to pass on the E-voucher information electronically or through printing it out and handing over the copy of the voucher.
