2024 06 09 El Stuno and the Stunocop squad

In 2015, Stunopolis, the largest city on Earth, was facing an unprecedented wave of crime.

For months, the S.P.D., short for Stuno Police Department, had been fighting relentlessly but unsuccessfully against Donald T., the famous orange-haired mafia leader, and his sicarios.

Then, in a memorable speech to the Stunopolis citizens, Stunopolis mayor Don Stuno de La Vega said “We believe in protecting those that can’t protect themselves, and in the process, working to leave the world better than the way we found it. It’s our mission, it’s our core value, it’s our Stunopolis story”.

No later than the next day, Don Stuno called for a meeting at the Stunolabs headquarters and put together a team of the best scientists to work on the project now known as ‘Stunocop’.

Stunocop is the last generation of AI-powered law enforcement officer. Half human, half robot and half alien (I know that makes three halves but who cares ?), the Stunocop brings law and order wherever needed or not.

Here below is a picture of the ‘Stunocop’ logo.

The Stunocop logo
